Dear William & Catherine

29 Apr

It is finally today. I will not hazard a guess about your feelings, but sincerely wish they are mostly positive. Be it for royalty or commoners, a legal union (and often a religiously binding one) is an event of significance. For you, this event is not, and never can be, yours alone. Your marriage has innumerable stakeholders, but only two worker bees. And no matter how grand or humble the wedding itself, after the finery is off and the meals digested, it’s all about the marriage.

There are as many kinds of marriages as there are people, this I know. But I hope there is love. And a purpose. And kind spirits who will shelter you.

As a bride of 5 months’ experience, I will say this:  Keep it real. Laugh. Be a team.

God bless. I’ll be watching. With a pebble on my finger from a man who made his naysayer partner discover that the institution can be rather nice after all.

Best wishes,

An Indian girl in North America with a fascination for all things English

6 Responses to “Dear William & Catherine”

  1. dipali April 29, 2011 at 10:26 am #

    I wish this message would really reach them, dear bride of 5 months vintage:)
    May their lives be filled with joy!

  2. csaawarenessmonth April 30, 2011 at 10:59 am #

    Dear bride of 5 months’ experience,

    I hope you continue to keep it real. Laugh. Be a team. For all the many months and years yet to come.

    Much love,
    Wife of 5 years’ experience 😛

  3. Rehab May 1, 2011 at 7:00 am #

    I love the title…the banner and this post 🙂

    Esp the line : keep it real,laugh and be a team!

  4. sukanyabora May 1, 2011 at 12:11 pm #

    Pebble or rock, you have found each other. Enjoy the ride.

  5. mystic margarita May 7, 2011 at 1:38 am #

    Whether it’s five months, five years, or twenty-five, what you said holds true for all marriages.

    Belated wishes to the five-month-old bride! 🙂

  6. Orange Jammies May 18, 2011 at 12:34 pm #

    dipali & Rehab: 🙂

    csaawarenessmonth: Now which one of you is it? It can’t be Lady K. She’s hit 15 already.

    sukanya: We are, thanks!

    mystic margarita: Thank you. 😀

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