Archive | November, 2010

Things Past & Future

26 Nov

I haven’t forgotten.

I will not forget.

Has the pain changed? Certainly. From deep, searing grief, it has settled into my hollows and constantly reminds me of its presence. I am here, I will stay, you will always remember.

Life and I, though, after many long years of dancing the minuet, have arrived at an agreement, and I must push plans through before the fickle sprite changes her mind.

So excuse me these next couple months, while I shuffle around doing Big Things.

I will be back. And you’ll still be here, won’t you?

Stay well. God bless. And if you’re an agnostic/atheist/ prefer not to believe, pick your own blessing. I’m happy to wish it.

Sweetness & Light

5 Nov

“Carefullll! Watch the tile!”

“I saw it. Stop fussing!”

“I’m going to hold your arm, you might trip.”

“Just say you want to hold my hand, it’s okay. She just wants to hold my hand because she’s likely to trip!”

“Hah. Let him believe it. Whatever works.”


And so it was that my two favorite senior citizens linked fingers and trotted along purposefully toward their excitement for the day: a Diwali television exchange offer.

Me, I just smiled from the wings and asked the powers that be to bless them.

Happy Diwali, everyone! 😀 Love and sparkle to you too.

Not Fancy But Fun

4 Nov

Here’s a really easy and fun project I recently did with my kiddies. It’s so quick and painless, you’ll still have these diyas ready in time for Diwali!

You will need:

  1. Different colors of play dough or plasticine (strips are easier than tubs)
  2. Tea lights
  3. Plastic flowers and buttons for decoration
  4. A rolling board or similar flat surface
  5. Your hands
  6. The willingness to get them messy

Here’s how:

  1. Tear a strip of plasticine and roll into a thickness roughly half the width of the tea light. Recommended approximate length is 5 inches. Ensure it is equally thick at every point. If a 3-year-old squeals that it reminds her of a snake, you’re on the right track.
  2. Wrap the “snake” around the tea light so that it winds twice and covers the exterior entirely. If you have plasticine left over, snip it off e-x-t-e-r-m-i-n-a-t-e.
  3. Press plastic flowers and buttons into the plasticine to decorate. About 3 of each work well.
  4. Repeat with other tea lights
  5. Light up!
  6. Happy Diwali :mrgreen:

[Credits: OJ and her Canon PowerShot SX120 IS]
P.S. The tea lights in the picture above were decorated by children, hence they aren’t technically perfect. If you’re the anal sort, you may want to do it all yourself. Lookin’ good, Ebenezer?

P.P.S. I’m adding this to the Diwali Dhamaka carnival over at The Keybunch, where all these Supernovas of Creativity conspire to make me feel like a bumbling lowlife. Yeaaah, take that, Supernovas! I can be all craftsy too! 😎

P.P.P.S. :cool:<—Notice my Tom Fords?

Shepherd’s Delight

2 Nov

[Credits: OJ and her Canon PowerShot SX120 IS.]

Nothing like a Himalayan dusk to make you inhale sharply. Is there?

By the way, hands up those who know the ditty behind the title of this post. 🙂