Truesday Tales 2.3

18 Feb

Thursday is the new Tuesday: old jungle saying blogger coming up with new rules.

Let’s just say Mummy is losing a million neurons for every tooth baby sprouts. Onto this week’s Truesday Tales, served up from last year.


In which Senor Baby tries to stuff a binky in Mummy’s mouth, since she realized it’s only Tuesday and needs pacifying.


In which Mummy informs Baby that Itsy Bitsy Spider probably had a touch of OCD, given his penchant for climbing the darn water spout on repeat mode.


In which we deconstruct Itsy Bitsy Spider and conclude that:

a. He is training for a Himalayan expedition

b. He has a touch of OCD

c. He runs a thieving arts academy

d. He is likely to develop identity confusion because Mummy calls him Itsy and Daddy thinks he’s Incy

e. He is not a California resident (hello, down came the rain??)

f. All of the above

g. This family needs help


#ThisBabyLife #TheMummyDiaries #WhatDoesYourTuesdayLookLike

5 Responses to “Truesday Tales 2.3”

  1. Aunty G February 19, 2016 at 12:14 am #

    Spider tales are being spun
    For a little sonofagun
    ‘Tween Itsy and Incy
    He’s in a cinch-y
    All of the above? No — none!

  2. Revathy February 21, 2016 at 8:20 am #


  3. Orange Jammies February 26, 2016 at 12:33 am #

    Aunty G: No matter how old or weathered they be
    Everybody needs an Aunty G
    She sets it all right
    Regardless of plight
    Sleepless brain or aching knee!

    Revathy: Hellooooo!

  4. iamcacofonix March 2, 2016 at 9:45 pm #

    It is Incy Wincy spider : The resident expert has confirmed.

    Also, the resident expert (RE) and the spider both have a touch of OCD. Even if the spider is tired, the RE is not 🙂

  5. Orange Jammies March 7, 2016 at 11:00 pm #

    iamcacofonix: They are experts for a reason, now. Mine is a global thought leader on How To Get Away With Sleeping Inhuman Hours, a.k.a. Why Sleep or Let Sleep?

Here's a bar of chocolate. Now talk to me. :)