From Darkness to Light

13 Nov


[Credits: OJ and her Olympus E-520 D-SLR]

Our warmest wishes for a bright festive season.

5 Responses to “From Darkness to Light”

  1. R November 14, 2012 at 12:27 am #

    Wishing the Boy and you a happy diwali too, OJ. I made papeta par eedu this morning – it is now officially my favorite happy breakfast (yes, people have happy and not-so-happy breakfasts. I knew you’d understand).

  2. alice November 14, 2012 at 7:58 am #

    Beautiful. Happy Diwali to you both as well!

  3. Orange Jammies November 15, 2012 at 11:13 pm #

    R: 😀 Delighted to hear it.

    alice: Thanks!

  4. Aunty G. November 18, 2012 at 8:46 am #

    Candles amidst petals
    As twilight settles
    Divali and diyas
    Oh Mama Mias
    Just love the way each nestles!

  5. Orange Jammies November 21, 2012 at 3:13 pm #

    Aunty G: Just something I threw together in less than a minute. 🙂

Here's a bar of chocolate. Now talk to me. :)