Archive | July, 2009

(Hi)ss for Ssatisfaction

3 Jul

With a friend at a cafe, catching up after a longish while:

OJ: How’s work?

Friend: Decent. Mergers…(yada yada)….acquisitions….(yada yada)….interviews, travel, research programs. So how’s yours?

OJ: Same old. Howl-shit-puke.


1 Jul

Happy birthday, blog.

Time sure flies when we’re having fun.


And on this august July  (okay, baaaaaad pun, but shush, it’s a birthday) occasion, WWNP brings you The OJ Awards For (Mostly) Superlative Blogger Behavior!

the oj awards


To Dipali: The Maximum Traffic Driver Award!

To Aunty G: The Most Frequent Commenter Award!

To Anon: The Best Search Term Award! (pick this up, whoever ye be)

To The Mad Momma: First Blogroller Award!

To Calcutta Chromosome: The Silent Referrer Award!

To Thinking Cramps: First Offline Encounter Award!

To Audacious: Most Lovable Semi-Lurker Award!

*end of din*


Winners get an exclusive, free-size, OJ-autographed pair of neon pyjamas!!!

The Boy gets pyjama-related accessories for designing the award badge.

Take ’em away, people! Everyone, dig into some orange cheesecake while you’re here. Oooh, how I love July. :mrgreen: