Tag Archives: podcast

Hear Thy OJ: In Conversation with Women’s Web

24 Jan

Have you ever wondered what it’s really like for me, living with the Boy? How we are at home when there’s just the two of us? Who cleans up, who takes out the trash? Whether the toilet seat is left up or down, and who obsesses over micro-particles of dust?

If you haven’t, clever you. But if you have, here’s your chance to find out.

Amrita, from the now sadly silent Indiequill, asked to take a peek inside my marriage of 13 months and got me talking about what it is to like to live with The Modern Indian Man.

In one word: socks.

For more, head to http://www.womensweb.in/articles/modern-indian-marriage-1/ and listen to Episode 1 of the Modern Family podcast.


I love how sane she’s made me sound.

Maybe someday I’ll even believe it. 😉